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Out of School Clubs

  1. Out of School Clubs
Mr Wilkinson!
Mr Wilkinson

Our Out-of-School clubs provide care for children from Pre-school to Year 6. Our aim is to provide parents with a secure, warm and friendly environment in which to leave their children, knowing that professional, experienced staff are supervising them.

Opening Times:

Breakfast Club is open from 7.45am to 8.50am.

After School Club commences at 3.15pm until 6.00pm.

A completed registration form is required before your child can attend. These are available to download below or from the school office.


At breakfast there is a selection of wholesome food available, including cereals, toast, yoghurt, fruit and juice.

After school we have a snack of small sandwiches, fruit, cheese and crackers or biscuits and juice. Water is always available at all sessions. All foods provided are included in the price.

Play and Activities:

The Club offers a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. We believe by playing the children learn and develop as individuals and the adults' role at the club is to enhance opportunities for creative play. Indoor activities include board games, construction, toys and arts and crafts. Weather permitting we offer daily outdoor play using the school play area. Any child needing to do homework or who wishes to spend time reading quietly will be offered a quieter area.

Health and Safety:

Children will be asked to follow certain Club rules. Please be reassured that these rules are to protect the children and to ensure their health and safety while attending the Club. A copy of the Health and Safety Policy is available in the School office during normal hours.


We like to offer an informal and recreational atmosphere whilst ensuring a clear code of conduct. We expect children to show consideration for their peers, the building, equipment and the staff! Aggressive, disruptive or discriminatory behaviour is not tolerated and the staff will follow Club rules on discipline. A copy of the Discipline Policy is available from the school office.