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Keeping up to Date

We pride ourselves in keeping parents well-informed about what is happening in our school. You can get all the latest information on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages:

Class Dojo

Class teachers use Dojo to share information about what is happening in your child’s class It also provides a way for you to communicate with your child’s individual teacher: classdojo.com


IDL is a multi-sensory programme which supports learners to increase their reading and spelling ages: idlsgroup.com/literacy

Active Learn

Active Learn is an online reading book resource. Teachers will set reading books suitable for you child. They simply login and choose the books they would like to read. There is also a quiz at the end of each book to check your child’s comprehension skills: activelearnprimary.co.uk/login

Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl provides lots of activities and ideas to support your child’s writing skills organised into year groups: home.oxfordowl.co.uk

Pobble 365

The Pobble365 website shares a daily photograph, and lots of prompts to get children thinking about ideas to write about and improve their sentences: pobble365.com

Times Table Rock Stars

Children can use their Numbots login to also access the TimesTables Rockstars website, where they can practice their recall of times tables and division facts: play.ttrockstars.com

Classroom Secrets

Classroom Secrets provide home learning packs organised into year groups. These will help your child with their maths skills: classroomsecrets.co.uk/home-learning-centre

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is an award-winning cross-curricular website for nursery and primary school children. It enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way: purplemash.com/sch/standrew-bb5

The Oak Academy Trust

The Oak Academy allows you to access free lessons. Here you can search for lessons by subject and year group: thenational.academy