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In Pre-school, we aim to develop the whole child and offer children a wide range of learning experiences whilst also tailoring learning to their individual needs, interests and in the moment engagement.

Our team have a great awareness of child development and have the ability to implement any area of learning to children’s in the moment play, which will follow any individual next steps to scaffold play and extend learning.

Throughout our curriculum our team will concentrate on the depth of learning and provide opportunities for children to develop a deeper understanding in all areas. We will use our professional judgements to monitor when to ‘move on’ through our curriculum. We will also re visit learning experiences and offer challenge as the children develop their skills. Repetition is great for young children and embeds sticky learning and memory skills.

We believe that children learn at their best when they feel safe, secure, confident and happy. We wish to provide fun, exciting learning experiences whilst also offering a calm, caring and nurturing environment for children to develop a sense of community and build a secure foundation.

Download our Pre-School Curriculum Plan

Places and Funding Information

Children move into the pre-school room in the academic year before they are due to start school. Every 3- 4 year old is entitled to 15 hours of funded pre-school education from the Government the term after their 3rd birthday.

Working parents of 3 and 4 year olds may be entitled to 30 hours free childcare. Eligible parents are welcome to use their entitlement flexibly throughout the day between 7.45am - 6pm. Please see our parent guide to 30 hour funding to help check your eligibility:

Download our Parents Guide to 30 hours funding

Parents can choose the sessions they would like their child to attend. Providing we have space we are very flexible. There is also a breakfast and afterschool club which operates outside of our school hours. The table below shows our prices and session times.

Cost per session
Breakfast Club (7.45am-9am)£4.00
A.M. Session (9.00am-12.00pm)£15.50
P.M. Session (12.15pm-3.15pm)£15.50
After School Club (3.15pm-6pm)£10.00

Download our Pre-School Admission Form Download our Pre-School Handbook Download our St Andrews Out of School Clubs - Inspection Report Download our Local Offer Download our SEND Policy